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10 Oct 2022

Ambition to Action: Briefing for Board Directors

Overview for Board Directors The Climate Governance Initiative supports board directors to make climate action a boardroom priority and guide their companies in the net zero transition using the framework of the World Economic Forum’s Principles for Effective Climate Governance.… More →

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30 Sep 2022

Climate Change Disclosures: What Board Directors need to know

Climate-related disclosures are becoming increasingly more common. Several jurisdictions have begun to mandate them, while many others require them on a ‘comply or explain’ basis and have plans to start mandating them in the coming years. This briefing gives an… More →

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22 Sep 2022

The Chairperson’s Guide to a Just Transition

The World Economic Forum and the Climate Governance Initiative, in collaboration with Deloitte, have produced a guidebook to provide corporate board members with an overview of the just transition and why it is essential in shaping corporate strategy. More →

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29 Jul 2022

PRESS RELEASE: Climate Governance Initiative in collaboration with the Commonwealth Climate and Law Initiative publishes the 2nd edition of the Primer on Climate Change: Directors’ Duties and Disclosure Obligations

The Climate Governance Initiative, in collaboration with the Commonwealth Climate and Law Initiative (CCLI), today is proud to issue the second edition to the Primer on Climate Change: Directors’ Duties and Disclosure Obligations. This edition provides the latest information for… More →

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29 Jul 2022

Primer on Climate Change: Directors’ Duties and Disclosure Obligations

The evolution of our understanding of climate change from an ethical or environmental issue to one that presents foreseeable financial and systemic risks (and opportunities) over short, medium and long-term investment horizons has significantly changed its relevance to the governance… More →

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23 Jun 2022

Climate Change Litigation – What Board Directors Need to Know

Climate change litigation is increasing, both in terms of the number of cases being brought and the routes which claimants are taking. Claims against governments can affect the policy and operating environment for companies, or result in delays or rejection… More →

Business People

28 Apr 2022

PRESS RELEASE: The Climate Governance Initiative announces their partnership with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

The Climate Governance Initiative (CGI), hosted at Hughes Hall, Cambridge, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) have established a partnership to enhance corporate climate governance in accordance with international best practice. More →

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25 Apr 2022

The Chairperson’s Perspective: Shaping the board’s strategic direction on climate 

We are in a decisive decade to accelerate action against climate change. Choices made over the next decade will impact the world for centuries to come, and business leaders must be advocates for taking action to address climate change within… More →

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25 Apr 2022

Glossary of Climate terms

A glossary defining the climate terms referred to in the three Chairperson’s guides on shaping the board’s strategic direction on climate  More →

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07 Apr 2022

The Sixth IPCC Assessment Report summaries

Read all three summaries of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Working Group reports from the Climate Governance Initiative. More →

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04 Apr 2022

IPCC April 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change

The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s April 2022 report explains that limiting warming to 1.5C will require global emissions to peak before 2025 and that many pathways to 2C of warming will also require this, but this will not… More →

16 Mar 2022

The Climate Governance Initiative’s position on the war in Ukraine

The Climate Governance Initiative fully supports the people of Ukraine and all citizens suffering innocently from the Russian Federation’s unprovoked act of war. We were due to launch a Chapter in Ukraine this month, which will now inevitably be delayed. … More →

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03 Mar 2022

Chapter Zero New Zealand joins the Climate Governance Initiative

The Institute of Directors New Zealand (IoD) today announced that it has joined the global Climate Governance Initiative (CGI) as the host of the national chapter, Chapter Zero New Zealand. More →

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28 Feb 2022

IPCC February 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability

The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s latest report concludes that the impacts of climate change are severe, but that humanity can still avoid many of them if it seizes “a brief and rapidly closing window of opportunity”. More →

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23 Nov 2021

COP26 brings a mix of hope and concern

With COP26 having drawn to a close, the Climate Governance Initiative (CGI) can look back on these two weeks with a mix of hope and relief. More →

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11 Nov 2021

Executive Compensation Guidebook for Climate Transition

Read this guidebook to explore how to drive the climate strategy by meaningfully embedding it within executive compensation frameworks. More →